This is a Professional Establishment Eating Place behind the Bourla theatre in Antwerp named De Bourla. It was established for long since the setting inside was so classic with yellow light chandelier, oak wooden chair & table, brown leather sofa, and so on. However, since this is a kind of café or tavern, there was also seats outside facing the sun & fresh air for customers seating outside enjoy Belgian Beer.
It’s the place offer ‘petite restauration – light meals’. However, the word ‘light’ does not apply since it really kept me going from lunchtime well into the evening. Note that menu was written in French but waiters were able to speak English. However, with my a little memory on some French Food words helped me getting something right.
This is the place where I had Tradional Flemish dishes (French-Belgian Cuisine) called ‘Tomato Crevettes’ which was tomato filled with tiny shrimps (crevettes). Here at Bourla, it was called Belgische ‘tomate aux crevettes’ 12.00 Euro. To explain, it the boiled big tomato (with skin off) filled with shrimp & onion in mayonnaise. The big tomato was sat ontop of green salad. What I impressed was the size of tomato (so big and so meaty) … Such a wonder light lunch to enjoy.
Another plate was ‘quiche met geitenkaas en gerodete zalm’ 8.50 Euro. It was a simple quiche for Belgium who experted in baked things. Zalm means salmonm- one of the fish which was catched from North Sea. Belgium is the place for Fish dishes – popular ones are cod, salmon, and sole. This dish was cooked from salmon and butter whisked with cream and eggs then baked in a crisp pastry shell. Same that it was also accompanied with green salad.

As usual (I could say tradition here in Belgium), a basket of bread variety was served with butter. This will help accompanied us well especially on tomato crevettes !!!

De Bourla
Granmarkt 7
2000 Antwerpen
Tel : 03-232.16.32
Open everyday except on Sunday
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