We also went for hot tea & coffee at one small shop on Haarstraat, Antwerp after a long walk around the centre of town. It was a small tea room which was established since 1988.
The reason we stopped by was that the cutey seen from outside together with a new modern setting inside (black chromium mixed with oak wooden furniture). In addition, the menu was interesting ...

'Theescorten - Munt per pote' which was a Fresh Mint Tea ... Don't you feel what it should be served ?!?!? As I could guess, it was a bunch of mint leaves inside a white tea pot pouring with hot water. Yes, when pouring out, the yellow water came out ... so refreshing. It was served with brown sugar and white sugar (together with a piece of chocolate -- Belgium Chocolate of course).

If you grow mint at home, you can try it yourself ... I sometimes make it at home but mixed with green tea (leaf or powder) and honey ...

Another interesting thing was the special coffee menu since there was one menu called 'Antwerpse Koffie' ... Don't you want to know what's the Antwerp Coffee ?!?! Yes, it the coffee mixed with liquor call 'Elixir d’Anvers'. It is an traditional Antwerp yellow liquor based on plants. It’s produced in Antwerp only for more than 100 years with a secret recipe. Many bars and cafes make some drinks with this liquor.

Here is the picture of Elixir d' Anvers which I also took from the liquor shop in Antwerp ... By the look, it looked secret and grand already !!!
De Lantaren
Haarstraat 14 - 16
2000 Antwerp
Tel : 03-233 83 65
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