Hotel Britannique
20, Avenue Victoria
75001, Paris
Tel : 01 42 33 74 59
Then, it's time to fly back with Thai Airways again -- actually I did not expect much about food on Thai Airways. However, something strange & amazing happened ... The food quality was excellent (even the bread & croissant) including the service (from the flight attendances) -- It's such big different from what we had when we departed from Bangkok.
Starting with Cold Refreshment with peanuts ... followed by Lunch which were "Caribbean Salad, Fresh Fruit, Sauteed Chicken with Cream Green Pepper Sauce Linguini Pasta, Buttered Zucchini (wow so tasty with a natural sweet of zucchini), Soft Bread Roll, Butter, Cheese, Crackers, Chocolate Cake (so yummy with sticky chocolate), Tea & Coffee"

Then, there were also Sandwich served after 4-5 hours of flying. Then, before landing about 1 hour, another meal was served with "Herb Omelet (amazing that still soft & partly liquid inside), Sauteed Button Mushrooms, Fried Potatoes, Grilled Pork, Croissant, Baby Bread, Butter, Jam, Coffee & Tea"

I think Thai Airways has headquarter in Bangkok ... Khun Ka , please explain ?!?!?