Kare is one of the most popular dishes in Japan. The one called Kare Rice is served as curry and rice. A wide variety of vegetables and meats are used to make Japanese curry. The basic vegetables are onions, carrots, and potatoes. Sometimes grated apples or honey are added for additional sweetness. For the meat, pork, beef and chicken are the most popular, in order of decreasing popularity.
Flight from Chicago to Tokyo : Chicken Curry Rice with vegetable served together with Ham Sesame Dressing Salad. Dessert was Banana Cake.
Taste of curry is still western and the look is confused (seperate or mixed I'm not sure).

Flight from Tokyo to Bangkok : Grilled Chicken Curry Rice served with Green sesame dressing salad. Dessert is Carrot Cake.
Curry taste was so Japanese ... Chicken has been grilled so smokey taste it is ... Rice was Japanese Rice (a little sticky) ... I prefer the one from Tokyo than from Chicago !!!

Then, I was back home by 8 of May 2008 ... My blog posts was far behind real date indeed.
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